I’m really enjoying the strawberry season and eating them almost every day, mostly fresh or in smoothies for breakfast (like this Strawberry banana smoothie) or as a special little treat in the form of Strawberry banana ice cream. But I had a cake on my mind these days and thought what better combination than light and fluffy Pavlova with sweet juicy strawberries! That is a cake that is great for any occasion and even if it’s simple to make, it has that wow effect and you can be sure that your family/guests/yourself will love it, specially if they like strawberries and who doesn’t, right?! 🙂
I don’t eat this kind of desserts often. Those of you who are here with me for a longer time know already that I’m more a ‘healthier treats kind of girl’ but that doesn’t mean that occasionally I don’t like to indulge in something a bit more decadent like a luscious chocolate cake or Pavlova with whipped cream and strawberries. And when I do oh I make sure to truly enjoy every single bite, the little things in life are everything!
Some of you, specially those who follow me on my social media pages (Facebook @travellingoven and Instagram @lili.basic), have noticed that my work went into direction of photography but I definitely still want to keep posting here as my blog is so important to me. There will be still some recipes from time to time, hopefully some more travel stories and I’m also planning to start writing some different kind of posts that I hope will be interesting to you.
Photography is of course the main part of the whole story but I do enjoy writing too and sharing this little corner of Internet with you dear people. I would love to know what would you want to see more of here on Travelling oven? It is always so helpful to get your feedback, messages and comments! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog so you don’t miss out on any news and content that I will be sharing in the future…
Recipe in English:
- For the meringue:
- 4 egg whites
- pinch of salt
- ¾ cup sugar (160 grams)
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp white wine vinegar
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- For the topping:
- fresh strawberries, washed and halved
- whipped cream
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
- 1 -2 tsp sugar
- Preheat oven to 175 C / 350 F. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
- To make meringue, combine egg whites and salt in a large mixing bowl and beat at low speed first, slowly increasing to high speed. Continue beating until peaks start to form and then add sugar a tablespoon at a time. Continue beating until meringue is shiny and firm.
- Add cornstarch, white wine vinegar and vanilla and gently fold in.
- Transfer meringue on baking tray lined with baking paper and shape into a disk, smoothing the sides.
- Place in oven, immediately reduce the heat to 150 C / 300 F and bake for 1 hour 15 min.
- Turn off the oven and leave meringue to cool down in the oven.
- To prepare the topping, combine halved strawberries with vanilla, sugar and balsamic vinegar and leave it covered for about 30 min.
- To serve place meringue on a cake stand, spoon whipped cream on top of the meringue and cover with strawberries. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / recept na hrvatskom:
- Za meringu:
- 4 bjelanjka
- prstohvat soli
- ¾ salice secera (160 grama)
- 2 zlicice skrobnog brasna
- 1 zlicica bijelog vinskog octa
- ½ zlicice vanilin ekstrakta
- Za nadjev:
- svjeze jagode, oprane i narezane na polovice
- tuceno slatko vrhnje
- ½ zlicice vanilin ekstrakta
- 1 zlicica balzamicnog octa
- 1-2 zlicice secera
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 175 C. Oblozite pekac papirom za pecenje.
- Za meringu, pomijesajte bjelanjke i sol u vecoj posudi te miksajte elektricnim mikserom najprije na manjoj brzini, postupno povecavajuci brzinu. Nastavite miksati sve dok ne dobijete cvrsti snijeg.
- Dodavajte pomalo secer cijelo vrijeme miksajuci dok ne dobijete cvrsu i sjajnu meringu.
- Dodajte skrobno brasno, bijeli vinski ocat i vanilin ekstrakt te lagano umijesajte.
- Rasporedite meringu na oblozeni pekac u obliku kruga, poravnajte strane.
- Stavite u pecnicu i odmah smanjite temperaturu na 150 C, pecite 1 sat 15 minuta.
- Iskljucite pecnicu i ostavite da se meringa ohladi u pecnici.
- Pripremite nadjev tako sto cete pomijesati prepolovljene jagode s balzamicnim octom, vanilin ekstraktom i secerom. Ostavite da odstoji 30-ak minuta.
- Za serviranje prebacite meringu na stalak za torte, premazite slagom i rasporedite jagode.
- Dobar tek!
I hope you will use the strawberry season to make this cake as I’m sure you will love it!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Hey lili..! it looks awesome and sound sooo delicious, i also love strawberries…i can’t wait make this..thanks for sharing…keep shared your new amazing recipes….!
Thank you very much Santosh, I’m glad you like it!
Hey lili..am also read your all recipes and this is one of my favorite till now….i will trying to making this from your recipe in few days latter…Thanks for sharing.a amazing cake…!
Dear Macy, thank you very much for visiting and taking the time to write! I’m very happy to hear you like my blog! <3