Today’s post will be short and sweet! I’ve already mentioned in one of my last blog posts that this period is crazy busy and stressful for me as I will be moving soon (this time not to another country but only to another apartment and another part of the city but still moving is stressful!) and I have also been quite busy with my work so there are only like million things to do! But as I always comfort myself when I’m overstressed I think just one step at a time and all will be done. We always expect from ourself to resolve everything straight away but sometimes it doesn’t work that way and we have to take our time and do it in our own pace and if that means slowing down a bit, that’s ok too…
Anyway, let me not bore you with my problems but let’s get to these sweet strawberry banana ice cream that is also healthy, can you believe it!!? 🙂
Strawberry season is finally here (at least in this part of Europe) and I am taking a full advantage of it while it lasts because it always lasts too short. But as we should always see the glass as half-full and not half-empty, after the strawberries we get cherries to look forward to! And until than let’s enjoy the strawberries! I have to admit that my favourite way to eat strawberries is just as they are, fresh and without any toppings but I also love a simple strawberry cake or a rustic galette. Still, there is a quick dessert that finds a place on our table very often and that’s this strawberry banana ice cream for which you basically only need some frozen bananas and strawberries and a food processor strong enough to mix those and turn them into a creamy ice cream. I added only few more ingredients to make it taste more like a real deal! 😉 I hope you’ll try it out and if you do, please let me know how did you like it, I always love hearing from you!
Recipe in English:
- 2 bananas, previously chopped and frozen
- 1 cup strawberries, previously frozen
- 2 tbsp coconut cream (the one from the can of full-fat coconut milk)
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp maple or agave syrup
- toppings: goji berries, cacao nibs (optional)
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Make sure your bananas are ripe before chopping and freezing them.
- Put all the ingredients in your food processor and mix until you get a smooth and creamy ice cream. You can add a little bit of milk (of your choice) to make it easier to mix and combine.
- You can also adjust the sweetness to your taste.
- Serve immediately and top with goji berries and cacao nibs (or other topping of your choice).
- You can also freeze it for at least 2-3 hours but make sure that after you put it in the plastic container and in the freezer that you stir it few times while in the freezer, this way you will prevent ice crystals to form. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 2 banane, vrlo zrele i prethodno narezane i zamrznute
- 1 salica jagoda, zamrznutih
- 2 zlice kokosovog vrhnja (onog koji se stvori u konzervi punomasnog kokosovog mlijeka)
- ½ zlicice vanilin ekstrakta
- 1 zlica javorovog ili agavinog sirupa (ili meda)
- Za posipanje: goji bobice i kakao zrnca
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Stavite sve sastojke u vas multipraktik i miksajte dok ne dobijete glatku i kremastu smjesu.
- Ukoliko je potrebno tijekom miksanja mozete dodati malo mlijeka (ja koristim bademovo ili zobeno) kako bi se lakse izmiksalo i povezalo.
- Posluzite odmah i posipajte goji bobicama i kakao zrncima (ili po izboru), a mozete sladoled staviti i u plasticnu posudu i zamrznuti. U tom slucaju, ostavite u zamrzivacu 2-3 sata, a u tom razdoblju nekoliko puta promijesajte zlicom kako se ne bi stvorili kristali leda. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
I love a simple dessert recipe like this! And the addition of coconut cream makes me happy – so luxurious and creamy!
Thank you dear Nisha, it makes me so happy that you like it! <3
What a great idea to add coconut cream! I always thought that ‘nice cream’ could use an extra dose or two of creaminess.
Thank you for stopping by! Yes, that coconut cream makes banana ice cream soooo much better and creamier! 🙂
I absolutely love the look of your photos! The lighting and color tones are gorgeous
Thank you, that makes me so happy! <3