I already talked a lot here on the blog how I get inspired the most from the nature and different seasons, beautiful fresh produce, wholesome ingredients, farmers markets… The same thing happened here! I love, love, love asparagus and when I saw that locally grown asparagus started to appear on farmers markets and shops I immediately had an idea to use them in a beautiful and colourful Spring salad!
Also, I wanted to post a recipe that would be great addition to any Easter lunch and so I included those pretty little quail eggs but of course this salad can be made and it will be equally delicious with some lovely organic hen eggs.
I love all the ingredients in this salad and it makes such a healthy, pretty and delicious side dish but also can be enjoyed as a main dish for a light lunch. Hope you’ll love it too! 🙂 Oh and here you can check out another delicious lunch idea with roasted asparagus & fried eggs, yum!
What do you think, do you like these kind of salads? Isn’t Spring just beautiful with everything that is has to offer!? The city is full of pretty pink and white blossoms and farmers markets are colourful with lovely vegetables, the only thing that will make it even better is when the cherry season starts as cherries are possibly my favourite fruit and I can’t wait to enjoy them and also make some lovely recipes with them!
Oh and after that strawberries yaaay I can’t wait! Is it strange that food gets me so excited, I hope not? 😉 Is there anything that you would like to see on the blog this Spring? I always love hearing from you and appreciate all your opinions, ideas and comments! 🙂
Nothing to do with the recipe but just want to share, enjoying little things has been so important for my heart and soul. You know, those little rituals like enjoying a cup of tea or coffee from a pretty cup, buying some lovely fresh flowers, lighting candles for cozy evenings at home and of course preparing, shooting, eating delicious healthy food. It’s so important to take a bit of time just for yourself, time to breath, to stay positive, to appreciate the little things…
Ok, let’s go back to the recipe now and I’ll be back soon with another post so stay tuned and make sure you subscribe (by just writing your email in the ‘subscribe’ box on blog’s homepage) so you don’t miss any of the new blog posts! 🙂
Recipe in English:
- 10-12 quail eggs (or 4-5 hen eggs), boiled
- 2 handfuls of mixed green salad (I used green baby leaf salad and rucola (arugula)
- bunch of asparagus, roasted
- 4-5 radishes
- 5-6 cherry tomatoes
- 2-3 tbsp corn (canned)
- lemon & olive oil dressing
- Note: this quantity makes for 2 side dishes but you can adjust the quantities as needed.
- Preheat oven to 200 C / 390 F. Prepare large baking tray and line it with baking paper.
- Clean asparagus stalks by just snapping them in two and removing the hard/wooden part (Hold a spear of asparagus between your two hands and it will naturally bend in exactly the right spot separating tender top from tough bottom).
- Place asparagus on the baking tray, drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast for about 15-20 min, remove from the oven and let them cool.
- While the asparagus are cooling down, boil the quail eggs. Place them in boiling water (you can add 1 tsp of baking soda to the water so they peel easier) and cook for about 4 min for hardboiled eggs. Leave the to cool slightly.
- Prepare the green mixed salad, slice radishes and cherry tomatoes, add corn and finally arrange asparagus stalks and halves of cooked quail eggs.
- Drizzle with a dressing of olive oil and fresh lemon juice, season and enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 10-12 prepelicjih jaja (ili 4-5 kokosjih), kuhanih
- 2 sake miks zelene salate po izboru (ja sam koristila mladu zelenu salatu i rukolu)
- 1 vezica sparoga, pecenih
- 4-5 rotkvica
- 5-6 cherry rajcica
- 2-3 zlice kukuruza (kuhanog ili iz konzerve)
- limunov sok i maslinovo ulje
- Napomena: ovo je okvirna kolicina za prilog uz glavno jelo za dvije osobe, ali vi prilagodite kolicine vasim potrebama.
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 200 C. Oblozite veliki pekac papirom za pecenje.
- Ocistite sparoge tako da prelomite i odstranite tvrdi dio.
- Stavite sparoge u pekac, poskropite s maslinovim uljem i posolite.
- Pecite 15-ak minuta i pustite da se ohlade.
- Dok se sparoge peku, skuhajte jaja. Za prepelicja jaja, stavite ih u kipucu vodu kojoj mozete dodati 1 zlicicu sode bikarbone kako bi se lakse gulila i kuhajte otprilike 4 minute za tvrdo kuhana jaja.
- Pripremite zelenu salatu u zdjelu za serviranje, dodajte narezane rotkvice i cherry rajcice, kukuruz i poslazite pecene sparoge i kuhana jaja.
- Zacinite maslinovim ulje, limunovim sokom i soli po zelji. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Wonderful easter vibes here!! the salad looks so perfect <3
Dear Laura & Nora, thank you so much for your sweet comment! I hope you will have a beautiful Easter! <3