I hope you don’t mind another cookie recipe! 😀 Well, it’s 10 days until Christmas (yes, the countdown has started!) so just in time for you to decide to bake these as well together with the ones you were already planning baking. These are soooo good!!! Honestly, these cookies have two major things going for them: 1. they are incredibly easy to make so no skills required and 2. they taste really really good! I’ve always been a huge fan of dark chocolate + orange combination so these are kind of perfect if you ask me. So you basically make a very simple dough, put it in the fridge for few hours, slice it into cookies, bake and than dip into melted chocolate and sprinkle with orange zest and sea salt, so so delicious! And please, please don’t leave out that little sprinkle of sea salt as it takes them to another level, yum.
So what are you baking for holidays (besides these of course haha!), do you have your list ready or you usually decide the last minute? I am similar to my mum in this and we both go through huge lists of all possible recipes like a month before the holidays and spend hours writing down lists of what we are definitely going to bake. And than the time flies and at the end there is never enough time to do all we wanted to do, not to mention that any of those lists weren’t really realistic as we would need a family of 20 member to eat all that! 😀 There are always few varieties in the end, few different cookies, always some kind of cake and possibly a sweet bread or something like that. But it’s fun going through all those cookbooks and magazines and internet and choosing wonderful Christmas recipes, there is something magical about that even if you don’t end up baking everything that you thought you were. There is always a next year, right!? 😉
Recipe in English:
- ⅔ cup (150 g) butter, softened to room temperature (I used vegan butter spread)
- ½ cup coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- ½ cup spelt flour
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- orange zest from 1 orange (organic)
- 1 cup (200 g) dark chocolate (I used 72% chocolate with cacao nibs)
- For topping: orange zest & sea salt
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- In a large mixing bowl beat butter using an electric mixer until creamy, add coconut sugar and continue beating until fluffy and creamy.
- Add egg and vanilla and beat until all is well combined.
- In another bowl combine flour, cinnamon and salt.
- Add flour mixture into wet mixture and mix to combine. Finally add grated orange zest.
- Knead the dough on floured surface and shape it into one or two long logs, wrap them in plastic foil and put in the fridge for at least 5 hours. You can also make the dough a day in advance and leave it in the fridge overnight.
- Dough will be very soft but will harden in the fridge.
- When ready to bake, preheat oven to 175 C / 350 F and prepare large baking tray lined with baking paper.
- Using a sharp knife slice dough logs into equal slices and place them on the tray leaving enough space in between.
- Bake for 12-14 minutes or until they turn golden brown around the edges. Leave them to cool.
- Melt the chocolate (over bain-marie), dip the cookies into melted chocolate and sprinkle with a bit of grated orange zest and sea salt.
- Leave for chocolate to set and store in airtight container or metal cookie box. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 150 g maslaca, na sobnoj temperaturi
- ½ salice kokosovog secera (ili obicnog)
- 1 jaje
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- 1 salica glatkog brasna
- ½ salice pirovog brasna
- ½ zlicice cimeta
- prstohvat soli
- naribana korica jedne narance (neprskane)
- 200 g tamne cokolade
- Za posipanje: naribana narancina korica i cvijet soli
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- U velikoj posudi miksati elektricnim mikserom maslac dok ne postane kremast.
- Dodati kokosov secer i nastaviti miksati dok se dobro ne poveze i dobijemo kremastu smjesu. Dodati jaje i vanilin ekstrakt i izmiksati da se poveze.
- U drugoj posudi pomijesati brasno, cimet i sol.
- Dodati tu suhu smjesu u mokru smjesu i pomijesati da se poveze. Na kraju dodati naribanu narancinu koricu.
- Na lagano pobrasnjenoj povrsini umijesiti tijesto i izvaljati u duguljaste oblike, zamotati u plasticnu foliju i staviti u frizider na barem 5 sati. Moze se napraviti i dan ranije i ostaviti tijesto preko noci u frizideru.
- Tijesto ce biti mekano, ali ce se stvrdnuti u frizideru. Prije pecenja, zagrijati pecnicu na 175 C i obloziti veliki pleh papirom za pecenje.
- Ostrim nozem rezati tijesto na ploske. Staviti ih na pleh i peci 12-14 minuta dok ne dobiju zlatno-smedju boju.
- Ostaviti kekse da se ohlade. Otopiti cokoladu na pari i umociti svaki keks u cokoladu, posuti naribanom narancinom koricom i cvijetom soli.
- Ostaviti da se cokolada stisne i zatim pohraniti u metalnu kutiju za kekse. Dobar tek!
I’m not quite sure just yet when the next post will happen as tomorrow I am flying to Dubrovnik to spend few days in my hometown before going for Christmas with all my family to spend it with my sister and her family. So there will be a lot of us and it will be fun, loud and busy so not sure if I will manage to post anything before Christmas. I do have one last festive recipe (this time for a cake!) so I’ll try to post it in time if not for Christmas than definitely for New Year! 🙂
Anyway, in the meantime you can follow me on my Facebook page and Instagram where I’ll keep posting and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog (on the main page, right side, just enter you email address) so you don’t miss out on any of my posts and that delicious cake that is happening soon! I will “talk to you” again before the end of the year but anyway I want to wish to all of you lots of love, peace, joy, great food and even better company in this festive time! <3
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
These cookies look incredible, dear Lili! Orange and chocolate is one of my favorite combinations. And with cinnamon too.. even better! Hope you’re enjoying December so far <3
Thank you dear Linda! That’s one of my favourite combination too ever since I was a child I remember eating these little chocolate sticks filled with orange flavour and I loved them!!! 😀 Cookies are really delicious and I can’t wait to make them again for my family for Christmas. I am going to Dubrovnik now for few days and we will all get together for Christmas so I’m really happy for that, specially after years of spending Christmas far away from family! I wish you wonderful holidays dear! <3