Hello November! Can you believe that it’s already that time of the year and that soon we will be in preparations for Christmas!? How did that happen? I mean, I have a feeling we say that every year but honestly this year has been so weird for me and it went by so quickly that I was really shocked when I saw that they started to put up holidays decorations in shops. Life can change a lot in a year, well I guess it can change in a moment actually, for better or for worst… You know how I always try to be open and honest here on the blog and really this year hasn’t been the easiest for me, it brought me many changes and challenges but what I feel is the most important is to keep that joy inside of yourself no matter what, you know that place inside that is happy for little things. Like having a cup of coffee and a slice of cake with somebody you care about, eating roasted chestnuts on the street, walking on the Autumn leaves carpet, laughing with a friend because of a silly joke, lighting candles and reading a book curled up on the sofa or having your photos and a recipe for Plum galette published by one of the most popular Croatian lifestyle magazines yaaay (see here!)! 🙂
So let’s talk a bit about today’s recipe, have you heard about these potato dumplings before? If you are from Croatia, Slovenia or pretty much any Central or Eastern European country than I’m sure you did! We call these ‘knedle’ and they are pretty much a must in every house at least few times a year. The dough is made with mashed potatoes with addition of flour, sometimes eggs and usually they are filled with plums but in summer we make them with fresh apricots too, both versions are delicious! After they are cooked in boiling water, they are rolled out in fried breadcrumbs and that gives them a nice crunch. Since they are quite filling we also sometimes eat them as a main dish and I remember as a child my mum would usually make a nice vegetable soup and than we would have these after as a main dish, always generously sprinkled with sugar & cinnamon of course. 🙂
But they can be also made as a dessert and the good thing is that they keep well in fridge for 2 days so than you can have them for breakfast too!
I hope you’ll give them a try and let me know what you think, I always love hearing from you whether is here, on my Facebook page or my Instagram. Also if you don’t want to miss any of my blog posts, make sure you subscribe (homepage, right side, just enter your email address)…
Recipe in English:
- For dough
- 1 kg (2.2 lb) potatoes, cooked
- 2 cups (400 g) flour (I used spelt flour)
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- pinch of salt
- For filling
- 10 plums, pits removed
- 1-2 tbsp sugar (I used coconut sugar)
- For topping
- 1 cup breadcrumbs
- 3 tbsp sugar (I used coconut sugar)
- 3 tbsp coconut oil or butter
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- Peel the potatoes and cut them in quarters.
- Cook them in boiling water until they soften up.
- When the potatoes are cooked and still hot, mash them, add olive oil and let them cool.
- Add flour, eggs and salt and knead into a dough until smooth. If necessary (dough too soft and sticky), add a bit more flour when kneading.
- You can put the dough in the fridge for an hour as it is easier to work with.
- Divide the dough into small chucks and fill each one with plum making sure that plum is placed in the centre of each dumpling.
- Fill large saucepan with water and bring to boil.
- Gently place dumplings in the boiling water and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes (until they came up the surface).
- Remove dumplings from the water and transfer to large plate.
- Prepare the breadcrumbs topping by adding coconut oil or butter to a large pan, heat it up and adding breadcrumbs and sugar stirring until they get golden brown.
- Add cooked dumplings rolling them gently in breadcrumbs for 1-2 minutes.
- Serve sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.
- Note: If you want to freeze part, you can do that before boiling them in water.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- Za tijesto:
- 1 kg krumpira, skuhanog
- 2 salice (400 g) brasna (ja sam koristila pirovo brasno)
- 2 jaja
- 2 zlice maslinovog ulja
- prstohvat soli
- Za punjenje:
- 10 sljiva, ociscenih, bez kostice
- 1-2 zlice secera (ja sam koristila kokosov secer)
- Za posipanje:
- 1 salica krusnih mrvica
- 3 zlice secera (ja sam koristila kokosov secer)
- 3 zlice kokosovog ulja ili maslaca (za przenje)
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Ogulite krumpir i izrezite na cetvrtine. Kuhajte u uzavreloj vodi dok ne omeksa.
- Kad je krumpir skuhan i jos uvijek vruc, izgnjecite i dodajte maslinovo ulje. Ostavite sa strane da se ohladi.
- Kad je ohladen, dodajte brasno, jaja i sol i povezite rukama dok ne dobijete glatko tijesto. Ako je tijesto premekano, mozete dodati jos malo brasna dok mijesite. Takoder, mozete staviti tijesto 1 sat u frizider jer je onda lakse raditi s njim.
- Podijelite tijesto na manje komade, oblikujte u kugle i u svaku utisnite jednu, prethodno ociscenu, sljivu.
- Napunite veliku posudu vodom, uzavrite i oprezno stavljajte jednu po jednu knedlu u uzavrelu vodu. Kuhajte na laganoj vatri oko 15 minuta dok ne isplivaju na povrsinu.
- Oprezno izvadite knedle iz vode i prebacite na veliki tanjur.
- Pripremite krusne mrvice za posipanje tako sto ih dodate kokosovom ulju ili maslacu na tavu za przenje, dodajte secer i lagano przite par minuta mijesajuci dok ne dobiju blago smedju boju. Dodajte kuhane knedle i lagano ih povaljajte u krusnim mrvicama.
- Servirajte posipane secerom i cimetom. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
U Istri mi ih zovemo … njoki sa sljivama.
Obozavam ih
Hvala Gracijela, nisam znala da ih tako zovete u Istri! I ja ih obozavam! 🙂