Strawberry season is here yaaay!
I have the most simple cake recipe for you guys and that’s why I call it Simple rustic strawberry cake! On another note, sorry for not posting as much lately but I will share with you soon why, there has been a lot going on and there will be some changes in my life soon so I don’t have that much time for working and that kind of sucks as I love what I do. But it’s just for a short period of time and it will go back to normal…
But because quality is more important than quantity, I’m sharing with you this delicious strawberry cake that you can make as soon as you spot those first strawberries at the farmers’ markets!
Living in a small mountain town…
Actually we’ve been having strawberries for at least couple of weeks already here in our little shop in our little mountain town and I’ve been a regular buyer! 😀 By the way, do you know how quiet and peaceful (read: boring) can get in the ski resort once the winter season has finished and the summer season hasn’t started yet?
Like you can literally walk the streets without meeting anybody or maybe one person walking their dog. And almost all the shops and hotels are closed. What is open are those few grocery shops, pharmacies, couple of cafe bars and one to two clothes shops. And that’s it so there is not much to do really. Also Spring is always delayed at least a month so high up in the Alps but when it comes, than it’s magnificent! If you want to see some photos (cute animals too!) of how it looks like, see this post from last year here.
What we were talking about, ah yes strawberries! 🙂Is there anything better? Ok, maybe chocolate but I wouldn’t say better just different kind of pleasure. Berries are my favorite fruit and I’ve always loved strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, oh and cherries, love those too! What are your favourite?
Visiting Zagreb…
Last week I spent few days in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, as I had some work to do there and I enjoyed walking through the green markets and looking at all the beautiful spring produce. Actually I didn’t have much time to enjoy as I was busy busy but those few free moments I used for food (of course!) and had to stop by the green market to see what they offer. And because the weather was absolutely miserable (grey, rainy, windy, cold!), it was nice to see some lovely colors on those dark grey days. You see, one way or another I always end up looking for comfort and joy in food. 🙂
About the cake…
This strawberry cake is very simple to make and you don’t need many ingredients, the most important are beautiful fresh strawberries. It’s also healthier than those classic cakes with butter and loads of sugar but still it’s sweet enough and you can enjoy the flavors without being rushed into a sugar coma. So my kind of dessert! I hope you’ll like it as much as I do and if you make it, make sure to send me a photo or let me know as I love hearing from you! You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest for more of food, travels and life moments. Now let’s eat some cake! 🙂
Recipe in English:
- 2½ cups all-purpose flour (or white spelt flour)
- 2 tsp baking powder (or 1 sachet)
- pinch of salt
- 2 eggs
- ¾ cup xylitol sugar or coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 1 cup milk (I use oat milk)
- ¼ cup coconut oil, melted (or olive oil, not extra-virgin)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 cups fresh strawberries, cut in halves
- Topping / Decoration
- 1 cup fresh strawberries (optional)
- powdered sugar
- Note: 1 cup = 250 ml
- If using coconut sugar, cake will be darker brown colour than if using xylitol or regular sugar.
- Preheat oven to 180 C / 356 F. Prepare a 24 cm (9 inch) Springform baking pan, grease it with oil or butter and dust with flour.
- In a mixing bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt.
- In another mixing bowl whisk eggs, sugar, milk, oil and vanilla until well combined.
- Add dry ingredients into the wet and stir until all combined.
- If batter looks too dry, add a little splash of milk and stir.
- Stir in strawberries previously cut in halves.
- Pour the batter into prepared Springform baking pan and bake for about 40 min or until golden brown and the tester comes out mostly clean.
- Remove from the oven and let it cool well before removing the cake from the baking pan.
- Once cooled dust with powdered sugar and decorate with more strawberries (optional). Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 2½ salice bijelog psenicnog brasna (ili pirovog bijelog brasna)
- 1 prasak za pecivo
- prstohvat soli
- 2 jaja
- ¾ salice xylitola tj. brezinog secera ili kokosovog secera (ili 'obicnog' secera)
- 1 salica mlijeka (ja koristim zobeno mlijeko)
- ¼ salice otopljenog kokosovog ulja (ili maslinovog, ne extra djevicanskog)
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- 2 salice svjezih jagoda, prerezanih na polovice
- Za dekoraciju:
- 1 salica svjezih jagoda (opcionalno)
- secer u prahu
- Napomena: 1 salica = 250 ml
- Ako koristite kokosov secer, kolac ce biti tamnije smedje boje nego ako koristite brezin ili 'obicni' secer.
- Zagrijati pecnicu na 180 C. Pripremiti kalup za torte od 24 cm, namastiti uljem ili maslacem i posipati lagano brasnom.
- U posudi pomijesati brasno, prasak za pecivo i sol.
- U drugoj posudi pjenjacom izmijesati jaja, secer, mlijeko, ulje i vaniliju.
- Dodati suhe sastojke u mokre i dobro promijesati.
- Ako smjesa izgleda presuho, mozete dodati jos malo mlijeka.
- Umijesajte jagode koje ste prethodno narezali na polovice.
- Prebacite smjesu u pripremljeni kalup i pecite otprilike 40 minuta tj. dok kolac ne dobije zlatno-smedju boju, a cackalica (tester) izadje pretezno suha.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i ostavite da se ohladi prije vadjenja iz kalupa.
- Po zelji posipajte secerom u prahu i ukrasite jagodama. Dobar tek!

If you love strawberry desserts, why not also make this simple and wonderfully delicious Strawberry Pavlova…? 😉
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
Oh man – I NEED this cake on this gloomy Monday afternoon!
Thank you! 🙂 I think I needed it again because it’s long gone now! 😀
Ah, this cake looks wonderful, Lili! 🙂
Thank you Miriam, it’s really delicious! My mum made it already three times since I posted… 😀