I know, I know, Christmas is tomorrow! But I still wanted to post this for a possible last minute baking idea (also, who says you can’t bake cookies after Christmas!) and as an opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and holidays! I wish you all peace, love, lots of smiles and laughter, hugs and cuddles, good food on your tables, joy and warmth in your hearts… It doesn’t matter if you didn’t bake all the cookies you planned to bake or if you didn’t manage to clean your house as perfectly as you wanted to, it matters to make someone smile and to share what we have with others, to spend time with loved ones and to enjoy the little things. For this reason, I decided not to stress over how we don’t have any snow this year here in the Alps and appreciate the sun! 🙂
I’ll keep it nice and short today. There are hundreds versions of Linzer cookies and it seems that every food blog has its own, well, this is the one I use and I wanted to share it with you. They may not be perfect as some I’ve seen on internet but they make my house smell amazing and they taste delicious! Specially with apricot jam, yum! You can of course use the traditional raspberry jam if you prefer. For me these are real home made, not-perfect looking but perfect tasting cookies! 🙂
Merry Christmas everyone, have wonderful time with your families and friends and thank you so much for sharing this journey with me here on my little blog!
Recipe in English:
- For dough:
- 300 g (2½ cup) all-purpose flour
- 120 g (1/2 cup + 2 tbsp) sugar
- 200 g (3/4 cup + 2 tbsp) butter, cold
- 60 g (1/2 cup) ground almonds
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 egg
- pinch of salt
- For filling:
- apricot jam (or raspberry jam)
- For sprinkling:
- powdered sugar
- In a large mixing bowl combine all dough ingredients (cut the cold butter in small pieces) and work with your hands until all ingredients are combined and you can start kneading. Knead with your hands until dough is formed. Wrap the dough in the transparent kitchen foil and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 200 C (390 F). Prepare large baking tray and line it with parchment paper.
- Roll the dough and make circles using cookie cutter or a glass. Inside of every second circle cut the star or heart shape using small cookie cutters.
- Gently transfer the cookies on the baking tray and bake for 10 minutes on 200 C (390 F).
- When the ones with holes have partially cool, dust them generously with powdered sugar.
- Spread generously apricot jam (warm the jam slightly before spreading) on the ones without holes.
- Place a powdered top on each cookie with jam and press gently to stick them together!
- Keep them in a metal box / airtight container. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- Za tijesto
- 300 g glatkog brasna
- 120 g secera
- 200 g maslaca, hladnog i izrezanog na kockice
- 60 g mljevenih badema
- 1 zlicica vanili ekstrakta
- 1 jaje
- prstohvat soli
- Za punjenje
- marmelada od marelica (ili malina)
- Za posipanje
- secer u prahu
- U velikoj posudi pomijesajte sve sastojke za tijesto (brasno, secer, kockice hladnog maslaca, mjevene bademe, jaje, vanili ekstrakt i sol) i izradite rukama glatko tijesto.
- Oblikujte ga u kuglu, zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i stavite u frizider na 1 sat.
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 200 C. Pripremite veliki pleh i oblozite ga papirom za pecenje.
- Izvaljajte tijesto i izrezite krugove koristeci kalup ili casu. Unutar svakog drugog izrezanog kruga izrezite manji krug ili oblik zvijezde koristeci kalupe.
- Pazljivo prebacite kekse na pleh za pecenje i pecite 10 minuta na 200 C.
- Izvadite iz pecnice i pustite da se djelomicno ohlade.
- Nakon sto su se ohladili, posipajte one koje imaju izrezani manji krug ili oblik zvijezde secerom u prahu.
- One koji nemaju izrezan krug ili zvijezdu premazite marmeladom. Da bi se lakse razmazala marmeladu mozete malo zagrijati prije premazivanja.
- Poklopite svaki namazani keks s onim posutim secerom u prahu i lagano pritisnite da se spoje. Kekse pohranite u metalnu posudu za kekse.
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