I talked about how much and why I love autumn and basically all the seasons in my last post so I won’t be repeating myself as I don’t want to bore you! But really I am so excited for all the beautiful food that this time of the year brings us! Like the other day, me and my husband were just driving through the countryside a bit further from where we live and we came across this amazing installation with all the possible pumpkins you can imagine, honestly many of those I’ve never seen in my life! Big ones, small ones, round ones, long ones, strange ones, you name it, they had it all! Like all the pumpkins of the world came together to make me happy! 🙂
I get excited like a little child when I see things like that, anything related to the beautiful fresh food basically makes me ecstatic, I know I’m strange! But that’s why this is the right job for me I think. 😀
I was running from one pile of pumpkins to another and reading their names and admiring their shapes and sizes and of course wanted to buy them all! Since we didn’t have a truck with us but just a regular car, I had to choose and in the end my husband had to do most of the choosing as I just couldn’t decide which ones to buy. To finish this pumpkin story let me just say that I have a lot of them around the house and there will be some pumpkins related recipes on the blog in October! By the way, how many times did I say the word pumpkin?! Too many I think but before I say it one more time, let’s switch to apples! 🙂
Apple desserts have always been one of my favorite (besides dark chocolate of course!) and there is not much in this world that can smell better than combination of apple, cinnamon and vanilla baking in the oven. With colder months approaching there will be for sure some kind of apple pie or tart on this little corner of internet but today I’m sharing the most simple apple dessert – baked apples! This is the kind of dessert that our mums made for us when we were children and it’s a classic that never gets old. There are many versions and most of them include cinnamon and sugar and some kind of nuts. This is my version, I hope you’ll try it out and let me know what you think!
Recipe in English:
- 4 red apples
- 125 g (1 cup) mix dried fruit (I used cherries, aronia and cranberries mix)
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 tbsp ground almonds
- 1 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 3 tbsp maple syrup (or agave)
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar (or light brown sugar)
- Preheat oven to 200 C (390 F).
- Prepare the apples by washing them and taking the core out using an apple corer or a sharp knife.
- In a mixing bowl combine all the ingredients,
- Place the apples on a baking tray and stuff them with the prepared mixture and if there is some leftover, sprinkle it around the apples on the tray. Add 8 tbsp water to the tray.
- Place the tray in the oven and bake for 30 minutes until apples are soft.
- Let them cook slightly and eat them warm with some whipped coconut cream sweetened with a little bit of maple or agave syrup or vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- 4 crvene jabuke
- 125 g (1 salica) suhog voca po izboru (ja sam koristila tresnje, aroniju i brusnice)
- 2 zlicice cimeta
- 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- 3 zlice mljevenih badema
- 1 zlica kokosovog ulja, otopljenog
- 3 zlice javorovog sirupa (ili agavinog)
- 2 zlice kokosovog secera (ili smedjeg)
- Za serviranje: kokosovo vrhnje ili sladoled od vanilije
- Zagrijte pecnicu na 200 C.
- Pripremite jabuke tako sto ih operete i izvadite jezgru.
- U zdjelu stavite sve sastojke i promijesajte.
- Stavite jabuke na pleh (tepsiju) i napunite ih pripremljenom smjesom. Ako ima viska smjese, rasporedite oko jabuka. Dodajte 8 zlica vode u pleh.
- Peci otprilike 30 minuta ili dok jabuke ne omeksaju.
- Ostavite ih da se malo ohlade i servirajte jos tople s malo tucenog kokosovog vrhnja po zelji zasladjenog s malo javorovog sirupa ili sladoledom od vanilije. Dobar tek!
*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as subscribe to receive new blog posts via email.
The-FoodTrotter says
Such a lovely and comforting recipe, perfect for autumn 🙂
travellingoven says
Thank you so much! The smell of baked apples and cinnamon means autumn to me… 🙂
iva@culinary postcards says
Absolutely perfect autumn treat!
travellingoven says
Thank you, I love these kind of simple comforting treats! 🙂
Mari says
Oh, how beautiful those apples look! And can only imagine their sweet scent! Thank you for reminding me of this great dessert, Lili, it brought so much memories of my childhood!
travellingoven says
These kind of recipes make me think of my childhood too, it’s wonderful how food can bring back so many beautiful memories! Thank you! <3
Miriam says
This will not only make my boys (and me!!) very happy one the coming weekend evenings, but make the house smell beautifully and I cannot wait to baking them! Thank you for the idea, Lili! Lovely, lovely pictures! xx
travellingoven says
Thank you so much my dear Miriam! Hope you and your boys enjoy the wonderful smell and taste of these baked apples! <3
Domaćica Sanja says
Lili, odličan podjsetnik na staro bakino jelo 🙂
travellingoven says
Hvala Sanja! To je jedna od onih jednostavnih slastica koje bude uspomene iz djetinjstva! 🙂
Gaga - Moje Grne blog says
Pečene jabuke su i same po sebi divne, mogu onda misliti kakvo je ovo savršenstvo. <3
travellingoven says
Hvala puno! Divno mirisu i tope se u ustima! 🙂
Gjoana says
I tried this and absolutely loved it! my mom is in a gluten free diet and I come here often to find RECIPES for her, especially for desserts and I’m never DISAPPOINTed 🙂 I came across your blog in a post of marinski Heartmades, I studied for a semester in Croatia (rijeka) and I saw their cute handmade products in a fair there.
one does not need much to feel the passion and love you have for photography, good food and traveling when visiting this blog.
Warm regards from Albania
travellingoven says
Dear Gjoana thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comment! I’m so happy you found my blog and like the recipes that both you and your mum can enjoy! Have a wonderful day, warm regards from Zagreb, Lili 🙂