Strawberry and blueberry galette are totally my kind of dessert! I’m so into fruit lately and I’ll tell you why…
My obsession with Summer fruit…
I simply can’t get enough of all the berries, cherries, apricots, nectarines… It happened the last year when I was living in south of Turkey and it’s happening again now that I’m in Swiss Alps! I think it has something to do with the fact that for 3 years before that, when I was living in Kazakhstan, I didn’t have almost any of those. It’s very difficult to find fresh fruit there. Besides apples which are the best ever! Did you know that apples actually originate from Kazakhstan?! Specially in the part of the country where is the capital Astana and where I lived, as the city is literally in the middle of the steppe so there is very, very little vegetation and plants of any kind.
By the way, would you be interested if I did one post about my time in Kazakhstan? I could share some interesting facts and stories as well as photos, which by the way wouldn’t be that great as I was a complete amateur with camera at that time but still it could possibly be interesting for those of you who have never been in that part of the world… Let me know what you think? So back to my fruit obsession…
What I ate while on strict diet for health issues…
Besides the fact that for those years living in Central Asia I missed so much many of the fresh fruit and vegetables we usually take for granted (don’t even think of looking for an avocado or mango or anything even slightly “exotic”!), there is also another fact and that is that when I started to suffer from serious digestion issues about a year ago, I was put on a strict diet by the specialist and that meant that for 6 months I couldn’t eat any of the fruit and vegetables besides banana, cooked apple, zucchini, carrots and potatoes. I ate mostly that plus rice, fish or chicken, seasoned only with salt and olive oil. More or less that was it, I had to eliminate any kind of acid and help my digestive system heal and that’s what happened but believe me that it was difficult. Even more difficult than not eating anything sweet!
So logically after that period I started to slowly introduce other ingredients and payed attention to which ones bother me and which ones don’t. I am so happy I can eat fruit now that I can’t even describe it with words! There are so many things we take for granted until something bad happens so believe me when I say that I am grateful for every berry and every apricot I put in my mouth!
So I decided to make a galette with some of my favourite fruit, actually 4 mini galettes. Two with strawberries and two with blueberries. There are many recipes for galette, I did mine, a bit healthier version. Hope you like them as much as I do! 🙂
Recipe in English:
- For dough:
- 250 g (2 cups) flour (I used 1 cup spelt, and 1 cup white)
- 100 g (1/2 cup) cold butter, cut in cubes
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tbsp coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 120 ml (1/2 cup) cold water
- For filling:
- 1 cup strawberries (cut in smaller pieces)
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 1 tbsp ground almonds
- half vanilla been seeds or 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup blueberries
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar (or raw cane sugar)
- 1 tbsp ground almonds
- half vanilla been seeds or 1 tsp vanilla extract
- For dough brushing:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tbsp water
- Mix the flour, salt, sugar and cold butter in a large bowl and work with hands until crumbly. Add the water slowly and combine it together kneading with hands until it forms a cohesive ball.
- Divide the ball in 4 smaller ones and one by one roll them on a lightly floured surface using a rolling pin until you get them 2-3 mm thick. To prevent it from sticking I put the dough in between to sheets of plastic transparent kitchen foil.
- Once you have 4 rolled out dough discs, put them in the fridge (use the plastic foil to prevent sticking) for about 2 hours.
- To make the filling, prepare two mixing bowls, one for strawberries and other for blueberries mixture. In each one add 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp ground almonds and vanilla seeds or extract. Mix well until combined. So now you have ready two different fillings for your galettes.
- Preheat oven on 180 C (356 F).
- Remove the dough discs from the fridge and put them on parchment-lined baking sheet. You can use two baking sheets and bake all 4 at the same time but I used only one and baked first the strawberries and then after blueberries galettes.
- Arrange the fruit filling on the dough leaving the edges free so you can fold them. They don't have to be perfect, I went for the rustic look!
- Whisk together 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp water and brush the dough before putting them in the oven.
- Bake for about 25-30 min or until golden brown.
- Repeat the same for other two galettes.
- Dust them with some powdered sugar and enjoy them warm or at room temperature.
Recipe in Croatian / Recept na hrvatskom:
- Za tijesto:
- 250 g (2 salice) brasna (ja sam koristila 1 salicu pirovog brasna i 1 salicu psenicnog bijelog)
- 100 g (1/2 salice) maslaca, hladnog i izrezanog na kockice
- ½ zlicice soli
- 1 zlica secera (ja sam koristila kokosov secer)
- 120 ml (1/2 salice) hladne vode
- Za punjenje galetta s jagodama:
- 1 salica jagoda, narezanih na manje komadice
- 2 zlice kokosovog secera (ili drugog po izboru)
- 1 zlica mljevenih badema
- sjemenke iz polovice mahune vanilije ili 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- Za punjenje galetta s borovnicama:
- 1 salica borovnica
- 2 zlice kokosovog secera (ili drugog po izboru)
- 1 zlica mljevenih badema
- sjemenke iz polovice mahune vanilije ili 1 zlicica vanilin ekstrakta
- Za premazivanje:
- 1 zumanjak
- 1 zlica vode
- U vecoj posudi pomijesajte brasno, sol, secer i hladni maslac narezan na kockice i izradite rukama dok ne dobijete mrvicastu smjesu. Dodavajte postepeno vodu i mijesite rukama dok ne dobijete kompaktnu kuglu tijesta.
- Podijelite kuglu tijesta na 4 dijela i svaku razvaljajte na lagano pobrasnjenoj povrsini. Da bi sprijecili ljepljenje za povrsinu, mozete staviti tijesto izmedju dva komada plasticne prozirne folije i tako razvaljati.
- Kad ste razvaljali sva 4 komada tijesta, zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i stavite u frizider na hladjenje na 2 sata.
- Za punjenje, pripremite dvije posude, jednu za jagode i drugu za borovnice.
- I jagodama i borovnicama dodajte po dvije zlice secera, 1 zlicu mljevenih badema i vaniliju.
- Pecnicu zagrijati na 180 C. Obloziti pekac papirom za pecenje.
- Izvadite razvaljane diskove tijesta iz frizdera i stavite na pripremljeni pekac.
- Mozete peci sve odjednom ili dvije po dvije.
- Rasporedite punjenje na sva cetiri diska tijesta, ali ostavite rubove prazne kako bi ih mogli oblikovati.
- Ne trebaju biti savrseni, ove galette imaju rustikalni izgled.
- Razmutite zumanjak i zlicu vode i premazite tijesto.
- Peci na 180 C oko 25-30 min tj. dok galette ne dobiju zlatno-smedju boju.
- Ukrasite secerom u prahu i posluzite tople ili na sobnoj temperaturi. Dobar tek!

*Thank you so much for being here, that makes me so happy! You can also follow my Travelling oven on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as sign up to receive new blog posts via email and subscribe to my newsletter.
These galletes look amazing! I absolutely love summer fruits, and these are like a little celebration of the season as it is!
It definitely would be lovely to read all about your Kazakhstan experience, I think it would make more than one post! 😉
Very happy for you that you now feel better, Lili, and even more, that you can bring us now many new interesting recipes based on the changes you had to make, that is really great! All the best xx
Thanks so much for your sweet words dear Miriam! Isn’t it great how sometimes when life trows us something negative, we can somehow turn it into the positive!? So happy you would be interested in post about Kazakhstan and maybe you are right and I can make it more than one post as there is so much to share! 🙂